But we found Caleb again!
We're all sooooo busy (not Baddie), Hopefully we'll be back on schedule soon!
Todays podcast is full of fat jokes, man love, CALEB, a TON of Sushi Ghosts and anime! Enjoy the trainwreck!
Donut will be back for Ep14!!
YES. THE AUDIO IS BROKEN. AGAIN. IT IS ELI'S FAULT!! THE NEXT ONE IS WAY BETTER. Just pretend we were drunk and filmed this...
OK NEW EDITOR SAME S&!T SHOW! Basically the moral of this entire episode is don't ever drink Bang MIXX Seltzers. EVER. Also look at...
WE LOST DONUT!! Kidding he is just out of town for a few days, he will return soooooooooooooooooon. HAPPY BBQ DAY/MEMORIAL DAY Today we...